Azhar Islamic Mission UK strives to promote understanding and appreciation of Islamic teachings through education, community engagement, and outreach.
In this age of darkness, a battle is raging for the soul of Islam. Misguided individuals are spreading harmful interpretations of our faith. False prophets and deceitful teachings are polluting the minds of the faithful.
We are witnessing a concerted effort to undermine the true teachings of our beloved Prophet Muhammad Almighty Allah Ta’ala’s blessings forever be upon him. Falsehoods are being spread through various media, including television and social media, to confuse and mislead the masses.
It is imperative that we stand together and defend the purity of our faith. Our Islamic mission is to provide accurate and authentic Islamic knowledge to all those who seek it.
Introducing the Azher Raza Islamic Mission UK.
Our organization is dedicated to:
* Preserving the authentic teachings of Islam.
* Combating misinformation and extremism.
* Empowering individuals to make informed choices.
Join us in this noble endeavor. Together, we can create a brighter future for ourselves and generations to come.
فی زماننا اس برائی کے دور میں حق و باطل کے درمیان جنگ جاری ہے
اسلام کے خلاف زور و شور سے زہر اگلا جا رہا ہے
اکثر ہر طرف دکانیں اسلامی ملاؤں کے نام سے سج رہی ہیں۔
شیطا نک سرگرمیاں اپنے عروج پر ہیں
کچھ جماعتیں مسلمان خواتین کو بے حجاب گھومنے اور خوبصورت چہروں کی نمائش کرنیکی اجازت دے رہی ہیں
اور پیارے رسول اللہ ﷺ کی احادیث کے خلاف انہیں مساجد کی زینت بننے کی دعوت دے رہی ہیں۔ باطل اپنے عروج پر ہے اور حق کی طاقت کو دبانے کی ناکام کوشش میں مصروف ہے
اکثر ٹی وی کی مدد سے موبائل ایپس پر چینل ز کھولکر غلط سلط پھیلانے میں لگا ہوا ہے۔
باطل جھوٹا یہاں تک کہ وہ مسلمانوں کو جھوٹے بیانات دے کر سادہ سے کام سکھا کر گمراہ کرنے کی کوشش کر رہا ہے۔
المختصران برے حالات زمانہ اور دکھ بھرے ماحول میں اہل دنیا اور مسلمانوں کو صحیح اسلامی تعلیمات سے روشناس کرانے آخرت کے لئے دنیا کو سنوارنے کی خاطر حق و باطل سمجھنے اور شیطانی ہار بن میلیڈی سے بچنے اور بچانے کے لئے
از هر رضا اسلامک مشن یو کے کی ویب سائٹ قائم کی گئی ہے تا کہ ہم سب ایمان و عمل درست کر سکیں ۔
حضرت محمد ﷺ سرمدا سرمدا کی تعلیمات کی روشنی میں ہماری کوششیں کامیاب ہوں اور دنیا و آخرت میں شان و شوکت کا باعث بنیں۔
اللہ تعالی ہمیں اصلاح اور ایمان کی توفیق عطا فرمائے اللہ تعالی سے دعا ہے کہ اپنے پیارے رسول ﷺ سرمد اسر مرا کے صدقے
اور طفیل ہماری کوششیں کامیاب فرمائے اور دنیا و آخرت میں خوشیاں عطا فرمائے ۔ آمین ثم آمین! ایک میرا ہی رحمت میں دعوی نہیں . شاہا! کی ساری امت پہ لاکھوں سلام
By Azher-ul-Quadri Fazile Bareilly UK
Almighty Allah Ta’ala’s (Azza Wajall) beloved, holy & great religion is Islam. The Holy Qur’an says: Innaddeena indalla hil ISLAM.
The very first religion of the entire world including the Heavens is ISLAM.
Was revealed on earth and beyond by hazrat Aadam Alaihis Salam. Truly beleived by Muslims on earth and by Angels, Hoor and Ghilman in the Heavens. The holy religion, full of peace and protection is ISLAM.
There is no and never will be place for terror and terrorism at all.
The entirly clean, tidy and true religion is ISLAM.
There is no and never will be a place for untruths, lies deception, and evil activities in ISLAM. If anyone acts against it without religious and solid reasons is not a real Muslim in ISLAM.
پاک وصاف دین ہے۔ بلا دینی وجہ جوبھی اس کی خلاف ورزی کرے وہ نام نہاد مسلمان ہے اس کا اسلام سے دور دور تک کوءی واسطہ
نہیں۔اللہ تبارک وتعالیٰ ہمیں راہ ہدایت کی توفیق عطا فرمائے آمین بجاہ حبیبہ العظیم علیہ الصلاۃ والتسلیم سرمدا سرمدا ۔
By Azher-ul- Quadri Fazile Bareilly UK
Be Humdillahi Ta’la wa shukrihi Azza wa Jalla Jalalahu kasiran kasiran sarmadan sarmada, Azher Raza Islamic Mission’s holy Faith/IMAN is believing very firstly in the holy Kalima of Islam “La ilaha illa Allah Muhammed-ur-Rasoolullah (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam)” from the bottom of heart and more deeper love and affection with Almighty Allah Ta’la (Azza wa Jalla Jalalahu sarmadan sarmada) and His beloved Mighty Apostle hazrat Muhammed* (Almighty Allah Ta’la’s blessings and salutations forever be upon him) the Amal/Deeds: Daily worship, yearly Fasting and Zakah and the holy Hajj at least once in a lifetime Furthermore optional worships of the holy Qur’an recitation, holy praise of Allah Ta’la Almighty and His beloved Mighty Apostle (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sarmadan sarmada) Durood o Salaam and Fatiha also celebrating of Eid Miladun Nabi and Giyarhvin sharif’s holy functions as much as it can insha’Allahu Ta’la Almighty Everlasting.
According to Hadise Qudsi, the holy and the great Ummah belongs to our beloved, Divine Apostle hazrat Muhammed*(Almighty Allah Ta’la’s blessings and salutations forever be upon him) including humans, non humans, believers non believers, Prophets, Apostles entirely from the beginning of creations not only for Muslim world until the holy Day of Judgment because he was, is and will be the Mighty Apostle forever.
And the holy Prophet hazrat Adam to the great Prophet hazrat I’sa Masih (Alaihimus Salaam sarmadan sarmada) and their all nations have come from the Unique and the Universal Apostle hazrat Muhammed*(Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam sarmadan sarmada).
Dear believers, follow, support and share the truthness always!
By Azherul Quadri Fazile Bareilly sharif UK.
The Islamic Mission actively spreads the teachings of Islam through Dawah. It enlightens others about the true essence of the faith. By sharing knowledge, the mission clears up misconceptions and invites people to discover Islam’s beauty. Reaching out to various communities, it fights against falsehood and guides them toward the truth of the Qur’an and the Prophet Muhammad’s teachings.
Serving the community is a fundamental aspect of the Islamic mission. Islam calls for everyone to take part in uplifting others, whether through charity, aid, or support during crises. The mission encourages followers to be active in their communities, ensuring help reaches those in need. Community service isn’t just a duty; it fosters unity, brings people together, and bridges the gaps between Muslims and non-Muslims. This spirit of service reflects Islam’s core values of compassion and kindness.
The mission focuses on cultivating knowledge and spreading awareness. Islamic education is not only about religious texts; it nurtures moral and social responsibility. The mission provides resources and opportunities for people to learn about Islam in a way that builds a holistic understanding. Through education, the mission shapes well-informed individuals who contribute positively to society. Learning and understanding Islam’s principles help people make informed, responsible choices in life.
The Islamic mission champions peace and understanding through its activities. It addresses misconceptions, bridging the gap between different faiths and promoting tolerance. By sharing Islam’s message of peace, it fosters a climate of mutual respect. This reduces stereotypes and encourages dialogue among communities. Promoting peace is not just about talking; it’s about living the values of Islam in everyday interactions, which the mission demonstrates through its work.
The Islamic mission improves community well-being through consistent charitable efforts. It organizes various social support systems, including aid for the poor and healthcare initiatives. The mission invites Muslims to look after their neighbors and communities, strengthening the social fabric. The mission’s work instills empathy, responsibility, and care in people, ensuring communities thrive. Through these actions, it ensures that Muslims contribute positively to society at large, benefiting both Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
The mission solidifies the faith and identity of Muslims by offering guidance in a complex world. It helps individuals remain rooted in Islamic principles amidst various distractions and conflicting ideologies. The mission empowers Muslims to stay true to their values and make decisions based on their faith. By preserving Islam’s core teachings, the mission protects individuals from falling into misleading beliefs. It also nurtures a strong sense of identity, allowing Muslims to confidently navigate the challenges of modern life.
Want to learn more about Azhar Islamic Mission UK? Contact us today!